Preventing and Treating Cancer
Welcome !
This website is created by the N.G.O.O. ("Nederlands Genootschap voor Orthomolecular Oncologie"= Dutch Society of Orthomolecular Oncology). It is an international site regarding:
Lifestyle Medicine,
Environmental Medicine
Mindfulness & Meditation (or other relaxation techniques like Yoga, Tai Chi)
Orthomolecular Medicine &
Nutritional Oncology

Almost everyone knows the anti-breast cancer campaign: THINK PINK and the pink ribbon as a symbol of support for people with breast cancer. The name of our study group is inspired by this campaign because we think that a broad approach to prevent and treat cancer is the best way to improve quality of life and increase survivaltime. We think that people can do a lot for themselfs to prevent or treat cancer and we want to inspire doctors to use also other treatments and insights.
We also think this information must be "Evidence Based" or scientific (we only use randomized clinical trials as support of our approach).
And we think this information must be free (but we like to receive a donation if you appreciate our the many hours of work we invested in making this information available for the world... ;o) )
We are a society or study group for doctors, biologists and nutrition- or lifestyle-medicin specialists with special interest in cancer. If you have an academic education and you have helpfull additions to our approach we like to here from you. Please join us on LinkedIn. (a link will follow)
Improve your Lifestyle, clean up your Environment, create more Awareness and Meditation in your life and eat the most optimal nutrition and maybe supplement your nutrition with some essential nutrients or herbs.

Johan Bolhuis, M.D.
Secretary Think Lemon and
secretary N.G.O.O. (see