Mindfulness & Meditation

Lifestyle Medicine,
Evironmental Medicine,
Mindfulness & Meditatie,
Orthomolecular Medicine and
Nutritional Oncology
The video above is from a German televisionprogram for children, "die Sendung mit der Maus" (WDR Maus). In this video (from 1995) we see at the right side a drop of bacteria (black stripes) under a microscope. In the middle we see a drop of concentrated white bloodcells (macrophages). These white bloodcells "smell" or "sense" the bacteria on the right and "swim" to the right. But when they don't have enough vitamin C (or citric acid?), they loose there vitality and their orientation and get very slow or even die. Just a few drops of lemon juice reactivates these cells. After that you can see them attack the bacteria. THINK LEMON !
Latest Change: 22-4-2014 at 09:53 by Johan Bolhuis, M.D.
See here for more info about healthy lifestyle: http://www.rd.com/health/wellness/hippocrates-diet/