Ervaringen van deelnemers
Testimonials of course participant
My colleague Maarten Klatte told me, over two years ago, very enthusiastically about the Sedona Method. I bought the Sedona Method book in the Dutch translation. Read a few chapters found it too simple and didn’t see how I could make it work.
However Maarten kept on telling me about the Method’s results. After a long stressful period, which culminated in a burnout, I made an appointment and took the train to The Hague. This was my way to test if it could help me to feel better.
The train journey was almost too stressful for me and the busy city didn’t help either.
Maarten gave a brief explanation of the steps we would take, like: welcoming awkward feelings or physical sensations, giving up fighting them, acceptance, specification of the sensations and letting go. If the release wasn’t complete we would look at the underlying wants and release those. This method proved to be a quick and loving way to let go of things which otherwise took a lot of energy. In this first brief session with Maarten I was able to release a number of frustrations, burdens and needs, it felt wonderful. I returned home in a very different state of mind and felt relieved and radiant. People in the tram were greeting me and I could even enjoy the people around me.
After this experience my wife and I participated in the 2 day workshop with David Ellzey and later on 2 days with Karin Klapecki. After both workshop I returned home “ lighter”. The Sedona method is simple and I recommend it. I use it often privately but also whilst coaching my patients, it helps in releasing negative feelings, physical sensations or negative touches.
Johan Bolhuis , MD.
Sedona Method and family
My husband found the Sedona method in 2005 on the web. He started using it immediately with good results. It helped him through a difficult period in our family. Christmas 2006 I went to Sedona with our two children, than age just 17 and 18 years old.
We went back to Sedona for another course in 2007 and the kids again in 2008. All four of us practice the method. I have a better time with myself and we as a family are doing much better.
We keep working with it
Babs Stulemeijer
Health promotion
The technique gives me mostly more inner peace and vitality.
With clients, who release regularly, there are noticeable results.
The effect on health are both mental and physical. Again and again I am surprised at how quickly the results show. I experience my work as lighter and more meaningful since I use the Sedona Method with my patients.
Maarten Klatte MD
Free of headaches
I am learning to let things go with the Sedona Method. After several practices my headache was gone! It is an easy to use method which you can do at home. A liberation!!
Jenny Huizinga
“ The Secret “, Eckhart Tolle and than?
The Sedona Method is a follow up to “ The Secret “ and Eckhart Tolle’ the power of the now. Foremost the Sedona Method teaches one the “How” of releasing. Characteristic of this method is that you can release limiting feeling at any moment; during meetings, waiting for a traffic light or after a conversation. My wife and I with our three teenagers participated in David Ellzey’s workshop. We enjoyed it so much, the content and the trainer that we will come again and of course the entire family.
Charles Mulder, safety technician
Immediate relief
For me the Sedona Method is a simple, easy to use and fun way, that helps me to release unwanted emotions. Just after one Sedona session I felt immediate relief, lightness and clarity. I strongly recommend it to everyone who is searching for a simpler, healthier and happier life. This method will help you understand what living in the moment means and how to enjoy it fully.
Tamara Margitic