History How to go about it? Testimonials Courses Coaches FAQ


History How to go about it? Testimonials Courses Coaches FAQ

Contact Disclaimer for the entire website

Disclaimer for the entire website

This homepage is designed to give the Sedona method the attention it deserves.
The information on this site contains NO medical nor therapeutic advice.
If advice is given you may not use the information given to diagnose nor treat physical - or psychological symptoom or illnesses. This homepage is no substitute for a qualified medical doctor or trappist. If you have physical or psychological symptoom or ilness you are strongly advised to visite a qualified medical doctor or therapist. In order to get a proper advice a medical doctor or therapist has to do an intake, considering your medical history, genetic influences, getting insight into you social and psychological functions, physical examinator and if necessairy do additional tests.

On the basis of information contained in this website nobody is justefied to encourage anyone to skip regular medical therapie. Although the information is carefully formulated if used out of context it may be misunderstood and the effect of foregoing regular therapie may be harmfull.
For additionele treatment with altenative therapy, using food supplement it isn’t advised to slef treat or following advice from people or therapist without thourough medical training, ongoing training or the controle of a legal body.

To be really clear; it is always advised to contact a medical doctor who is trained in the area of the use of relaxation techniques and the relationship with health and illness. He should know what is written in the recent literature and have sufficient knowledge about regular treatment.

This homepage has been written by four medical doctors. However also medical doctors make mistakes. If any mistakes or incomplete information is found we hope you will let us know. It is our aim to let this homepage be as complet and correct as possible.
The disclaimer is applicable to all above information.

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